Explosion in the Industrial Park in Phu Tho, 2 people were injured


The unfortunate event caused a lot of worry in the local community and those involved. The case is being investigated by authorities to clarify the cause and find ways to overcome the consequences.

Cam Khe Industrial Park is one of the two largest industrial parks in Phu Tho province, with an area of ​​about 450 hectares, located in the northwest of the province. By the end of March 2023, this industrial park had attracted 19 foreign investors with a total investment of 311.9 million USD, thereby creating jobs for thousands of workers.

The explosion, which took place around 10 a.m., left one person dead and another seriously injured. The victims of the explosion were all quite young, from 33 to 35 years old, from Quang Ninh and Thai Binh provinces. Immediately after the incident, the Cam Khe district medical team was dispatched to the scene to provide treatment.

The explosion not only caused human damage but also caused serious consequences for production activities in the industrial park. This also raises concerns about labor safety and measures to prevent similar accidents in the future. Managers and investors in Cam Khe Industrial Park need to review safety procedures and employee training to ensure that unfortunate incidents like this do not recur.

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