Striving for Industrial Production Growth in Ninh Binh - Goals and Orientation for 2024


Ninh Binh, a province located in the region South East of Vietnam, has been showing continuous efforts in economic development, especially in the manufacturing sector. công nghiệp. With an impressive growth target of 8.7% for 2024, the province is aiming to create an attractive and sustainable investment environment. This article will analyze the main factors that have and will make Ninh Binh successful.

Industrial Production Results Achieved in 2023 and Plans for 2024

In 2023, Ninh Binh's industry has achieved significant achievements thanks to timely and effective direction from authorities at all levels. Industrial production has maintained positive growth, with steady progress each quarter, leading to a growth target of 6.18% in the first quarter of 2024. This is evidence of a strong recovery. After previous difficulties, thanks to timely solutions to remove problems and support for businesses from the Provincial People's Committee.

Synchronous Deployment of Industrial Production Solutions

This development is not only the result of immediate efforts but also the result of long-term and methodical planning. Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee has proactively deployed tasks and solutions, based on Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 5, 2024 of the Government, to prioritize promoting economic growth. Thereby, effective credit growth meets the need for foreign currency for production and business, and is associated with macroeconomic stability.

Promoting Production and Increasing Local Budget Revenue

One of the highlights in the first quarter of 2024 is that the industrial production value is estimated to reach 22,173.6 billion VND, an increase of 3.8% over the same period last year. Notably, some key products such as clothing, urea fertilizer, and rolled steel of all kinds have had outstanding growth, demonstrating the strength of the province's processing and manufacturing industry.

Sản Xuất Công Nghiệp

Sản Xuất Công Nghiệp

Orientation and Plan to 2035 – Industrial Production

To maintain and develop further, the People's Committee of Ninh Binh province has issued a project to restructure the industry to 2030, with a vision to 2035. These plans not only aim to promote the industry but also focuses on service and urban development, especially in the field of high-tech and environmentally friendly industry.

Promoting Investment in Key Industrial Sectors

In 2024, with the world and domestic economic context forecast to continue to recover but with many challenges, Ninh Binh continues to effectively deploy solutions to remove difficulties for production and business. In particular, the province strengthens investment promotion in key industries to attract high-quality investment using advanced and environmentally friendly technology.

With the achieved results and detailed plans, Ninh Binh is not only an attractive destination for domestic and foreign investors but also a typical example in the implementation of economic development policies. sustainable economy. Striving to achieve the target of 8.7% industrial production growth in 2024, Ninh Binh is gradually asserting its position on Vietnam's industrial map.

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