Fire Prevention and Rescue Situation in Binh Duong: Number of Fires Reduced by 12% Compared to 2022
15/04/2024The number of fires decreased by nearly 12% compared to 2022, along with a 100% decrease in human losses and a 99% decrease in the number of injuries, which are notable signs of the state of fire prevention and fighting. and rescue in Binh Duong province in 2023. To achieve this result, the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department of Binh Duong Provincial Police has set the motto "Protect each family; ensure safety for each factory, enterprise, and enterprise; and create a safe environment for each commune, ward and town"...
According to statistics in Binh Duong, more than 60% of fires were promptly extinguished by on-site firefighting forces with support from the public, preventing the spread of fires and preventing large fires from causing damage. serious harm. This highlights the important role of on-site forces in fire prevention and rescue work, according to the principle that "distant water cannot extinguish a nearby fire".
Dựa trên nhận định chính xác này, trong năm 2023, Phòng Cảnh sát PCCC và CNCH đã tổ chức 734 buổi tuyên truyền về luật phòng cháy chữa cháy và kỹ năng phòng chống đuối nước cho lực lượng PCCC cơ sở và cộng đồng dân cư, bao gồm cả các cư dân tại các tòa nhà cao tầng, khu dân cư và khu phố; cũng như cán bộ công nhân viên trong các tổ chức, công ty, học sinh và giáo viên tại các trường học…, với sự tham gia của khoảng 332.616 người. Việc tuyên truyền, khuyến cáo và hướng dẫn đã được thực hiện tới 100% cơ sở trên địa bàn, thông qua việc sử dụng các nhóm Zalo gửi thông điệp đến 29 khu công nghiệp, 1.890 cơ sở và các tòa nhà cao tầng trong phạm vi quản lý.
Currently, in the territory of Binh Duong province, there are a total of 51,689 establishments under the management of fire prevention and fighting. Of these, 3,949 establishments were identified as having a high risk of fire and explosion, mainly concentrated in wood manufacturing, processing and processing establishments, fabric manufacturing enterprises, and business locations. petroleum, liquefied petroleum gas... The entire province has successfully established 587 civil defense teams (reaching 100%), with a total of more than 6,000 members. In addition, there are 31 specialized fire prevention teams, equipped with 18 fire engines and 22 water tankers, with 752 members; At the same time, it has successfully guided the construction of 6,805 grassroots fire protection teams, with 87,693 members. The Provincial People's Committee has also issued a plan to launch the movement "All people proactively prevent and effectively respond to fires, explosions and accidents". Accordingly, they have made efforts to ensure at least one member in each household is trained in fire prevention and rescue skills; as well as calling on each family to equip at least one fire extinguisher, demolition tools (such as force pliers, crowbar, hammer) and open secondary emergency exits.
The Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department of Binh Duong Provincial Police has a quite smart approach when using grassroots firefighting competitions as an effective propaganda tool. From this, dozens of businesses have cooperated with the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department to organize fire prevention and rescue competitions, with active participation from grassroots Fire Prevention and Fighting Teams and enthusiastic support from workers. labor in the enterprise. The result has created a vibrant atmosphere and spread awareness of fire and explosion prevention not only within the businesses organizing the contest but also outside. In 2023, 41 such competitions were held with more than 2,000 participants. “From the way these companies develop plans and regulations to organize the contest, it shows that they have prepared carefully and meticulously. To achieve good results in the competition, members of the Grassroots Fire Fighting Team need to be well prepared in firefighting and rescue practices and understanding of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Law. This will help them do better in fire prevention and rescue when incidents occur in their company. And this will be very useful for businesses, because the Fire Prevention Teams at the grassroots level are the ones who are able to save great assets of the business" - like Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Tung, Deputy Head of the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department. Binh Duong Provincial Police shared.
In addition to direct propaganda and through media such as newspapers and social networks, the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department and CNCH of Binh Duong Police also focus on coordinating with other agencies and sectors, applying strategies the technique of "long-lasting rain". Typically, they cooperate with the Southern Electricity Corporation to conduct propaganda on fire safety and rescue (CNCH) through text messages, Zalo application and other forms. Other notices to electricity users. As a result, up to now, more than 10 million subscribers have been provided with information and recommendations on safety measures in fire prevention and rescue work.
Collaborating with Binh Duong Water - Environment Joint Stock Company, the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department has carried out propaganda work on fire safety and rescue to more than 35,000 subscribers. , which are water users, through conveying information and recommendations on safety measures in fire prevention and rescue work. In addition, they also coordinated with Binh Duong Provincial Lottery Company Limited to issue lottery tickets with propaganda content about fire prevention and rescue, with a total of 36 million lottery tickets issued in 3 periods. in October 2023.
In particular, Binh Duong Provincial Police held a signing ceremony of coordination regulations to ensure safety in fire prevention and fighting (fire prevention) and rescue (CNCH) with the Department of Industry and Trade and the Electricity Company. Binh Duong Power and Joint Stock Company - Binh Duong Water - Environment Corporation. The signing of this regulation aims to strengthen fire prevention and rescue work in the province by creating coordination and information exchange between the Police and local units and units under the Department of Industry and Trade. , Electricity Company and Joint Stock Company - Binh Duong Water - Environment Corporation throughout the province. Thereby, these units can advise and propose the Provincial People's Committee to promulgate policies and overall plans on fire prevention and fighting in the industry and trade sector; conduct information exchange related to fire prevention and fighting activities; guide the organization of fire prevention and fighting forces and promote the fire prevention and fighting movement; Organize training, inspection and safety inspection on fire prevention and fighting; and handle violations related to the field of fire prevention and fighting...
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